Discarding empty cartridges? A waste!

Anyone who thinks that an empty cartridge is waste and no longer valuable is wrong! Your empty HP and Canon ink cartridges are worth money – up to €4 each. An empty cartridge is not waste, but material for reuse. Canon and HP ink cartridges can be reused as an ink source for your printer. What’s more, your wallet benefits from the compensation you receive. At RecycleClub, we know what to do with your empty cartridges. So don’t throw them away, but hand them in to us!

How does it work?


Check the value

Go to the value checker button in the top-right corner. Simply enter the number of cartridges per type and see how much money you can receive or donate from us with your used ink cartridges. Then continue to the next step.


Ship the cartridges to us for FREE

You will receive a shipping label from us to send your cartridges to us. Shipping is FREE for a minimum value worth of €20!


Money for you or for charity

What you do with the reimbursement is up to you! You can choose to get it deposited into your own bank account or donate directly through us to one or more charities that contribute to people, animals and/or the environment.

See what your cartridges are worth